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Writer's pictureIGO UGO Gamer

Gouged Eye Lineman #5

Having a renewed interest to play some Blood Bowl I returned to finishing off my Orc team, the Gouged Eye. It has taken me quite awhile to get the whole team painted as interest in playing Blood Bowl lessened as other games were being preferred. I paused the painting at only five models and with my renewed motivation to get them finished I'm hoping to finish the rest of the team over the next couple of painting sessions. So the first model finished was Lineman #5, he is of course painted in the team colours for the Gouged Eye. You all know how I like to keep things vanilla. I wanted a backdrop to pose my players in front of and thought that an advertising wall would be ideal. I threw something together quickly, making the basic structure from balsa would which I then stained with Contrast paint. I then stuck on some Blood Bowl themed adverts that I found online. I thought the result was perfect for what I wanted, so it will be the backdrop for all my future Blood Bowl images. I do have quite a collection of other Blood Bowl teams in my pile of shame, so once I finished the Gouged Eye team (whenever that will be, but hopefully soon) maybe I will make a start on another, perhaps The Dwarf Giants or the Reikland Reavers. If you are a fan of Blood Bowl, then stay tuned...

The Headsman, House Cawdor, Nercromunda, Forge World
Gouged Eye: Lineman #5

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