Cawdor Ganger with ShotgunIGO UGO GamerFeb 23Game System: Necromunda '95Faction: House CawdorMiniature: Ganger with Shotgun 2Manufacturer: Games WorkshopMaterial: MetalParts: 1Paints: Citadel ColourDesigned By: Alan PerryMiniature Target 2025: 8 of 52Cawdor Ganger with Shotgun 2
Game System: Necromunda '95Faction: House CawdorMiniature: Ganger with Shotgun 2Manufacturer: Games WorkshopMaterial: MetalParts: 1Paints: Citadel ColourDesigned By: Alan PerryMiniature Target 2025: 8 of 52Cawdor Ganger with Shotgun 2