A few new bits were added to my collection this week. I picked up a copy of Kill Team: Brutal and Cunning, this was mainly for the awesome new Ratling miniatures but I am also a bit of a fan of the new Ork miniatures too. This expansion was sold out pretty quick everywhere so I was glad to be one of the lucky ones to get my hands on a copy. A few days later, I invested in the Kill Zone: Volkus terrain set to compliment this expansion to give me a complete set of the current Volkus terrain. I believe you can never have too much terrain but this set was not an intended purchase though. To be honest it was a little bit of a alcohol fueled purchase, oh well. I also recieved The Three Hunters from the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game as a Christmas gift from a friend. These were the first The Lord of the Rings miniatures I have added to my collection for several years, after I sold a rather large collection I had accluminated previously.
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