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Month in Review: April 2022

What did I buy?

Another relatively light month as far as spending the old hobby dollars goes. The first items I purchased was at the beginning of the month while i was wondering around London. I picked up both Issue 27 of Imperium and Issue 66 of Mortal Realms part works. What these two issues gave me was more terrain, the issue of Imperium included a single Haemotrope Reactor which has just been discontinued by Games Workshop, I was glad I managed to get hold of another one for my Sector Mechanicus collection. Mortal Realms gave me the Dominion of Sigmar state, an awesome piece of fantasy terrain, which I'll use for Warcry.

Keeping with the terrain vibe, I also picked up two pieces of the new Warhammer 40K Battlezone: Frontiers terrain. The Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine boxset and the STC Has-Bunker and Stockades boxset. My thought was that both these sets could be used, equally, in Kill Team and Necromunda: Ash Wastes tabletops. I have assembled all these kits already and hopefully they will appear on the blog painting and ready for play. Eventually. I purchased another box of Orlock as I thought I may need another box with the release of Necromunda: Ash Wastes coming soon. This impulse buy was made under the influence of alcohol and once I received them I remembered I already had a couple of extra boxes. Oh well you can never have too many miniatures, right?. The last miniature purchase was made on the last day of the month. I made a lengthy pilgrimage to the closest Games Workshop to me that was celebrating its sore anniversary that weekend. I picked up the Commemorative Series Inquisitor Erasmus Cartavolnus miniature. The store was actually only taking orders for them when I arrived but as I had contacted them beforehand explaining I will have to make quite a journey to pick him up they reserved one of the very few they actually had in stock that morning to sell. So I was really pleased to be able to purchase him and take him away with me. I also made some sundry purchases consisting of some new paints, enamel washes, tufts for bases, paintbrushes and weathering powers etc. Next month the spend will be huge as it's the Necromunda: Ash Wastes release at the beginning of May and that will cost me a small fortune.

What Did I Paint?

I didn't get that many miniatures painted in April but all the ones I did get finished were from the excellent Forge World Necromunda Hired Guns range. The first one was Slate Merdena the Orlock Road Boss, he had been assembled and waiting to be painted for quite sometime so it was good to get him finally finished. As I was reading the Black Library novel Sinners Bounty, which was about the antics of the bounty hunter Kal Jerico in the underhive I decided to assemble and paint his miniature and that of his trusted partner Scabbs too. These were both awesome miniatures to paint and a great addition to my display cabinet. The next miniature I finished was Macula, Slate's cyber-mastiff. I wasn't really looking forward to painting this miniature and I've never really painted animals before and it looked a little difficult with all the blending. But I decided I'd give it a go and was really pleased with how well he came out, a lot better than I thought he would to be honest. So that's four more Hired Guns finished this month.

What did I play?

Another month of not getting any miniatures on the table or rolling any dice.

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