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Writer's pictureIGO UGO Gamer

Month in Review: February 2022

What did I buy?

It wasn't a big spend this month, there were no Necromunda release at all. I'm waiting for the Ash Waste boxset to drop which I'm sure will be wallet emptying. I did however pick up a copy of Tome of Champion 2021 ( A little delayed but worth the wait i think) for Warcry, mainly for the points costs and stats for the miniatures from the Age of Sigmar Underworld Warbands. I do like Warcry, or the concept of it at least as I'm still yet to play a game. As it was a lower than usual spend this month I also picked up the Culexus Assassin miniature to use as the killer cyborg in one of the Necromunda scenarios. Again I succumb to purchasing the new Space Marine captain in gravis armour release as I did enjoy painting the Ultramarine I finished a while ago. But I will probably never use him in a game. I have made a number of miniature purchases without any planned future uses and they just sit atop a pile of shame. These purchases were made just because the miniature looks cool, so a want rather than a need. Also I just had to purchase the two Horus Heresy Black Library 2022 commemorative miniature releases, Fafnir Rain and Dominion Zephon. Out of the two Fafnir is easily my favourite, he is going to be awesome yet daunting to paint, with all that yellow armour.

What Did I Paint?

I painted only three miniatures this month, the first being a ganger from the House of Chains armed with a resin chevron painted chainsword from the Forge World Goliath Weapon Set 1. He was featured on Warhammer Hobby Round Up. Secondly came Belladonna, a fiddly miniature to paint due to all the small detail on her but she was a joy to paint all the same and I love how she turned out. Belladonna was also featured on the Warhammer Hobby Round Up. Lastly was yet another Goliath ganger, this one was armed with a power sword and multi-melta again both of the weapons resin and were from the Forge World Weapon Set 1. He is currently the most "Liked" miniature on Instagram currently with just over 750 Likes.

What did I play?

Again still yet to play any tabletop games face to face with an opponent, although I did have a fun game of Zombicide online.

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