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Month in Review: January 2022

What did I buy?

Entering into the new year there was definitely an Orky theme. The OrK Boyz had a new refreshed kit released. So being that my whole Games Workshop interest began many years ago collecting Orks from the 41st Millennium I felt it only fitting to pick up a box of the new models, and in doing so I could not resist the Warboss in Mega Armour kit too. Very Cawdo Stig Shambler. Then keeping with Orks the Kommandos from the Kill Team boxset were released separately so I had to pick these up too. To be honest if these would have come out before the regular Boyz I would have just picked up this box. Or would I, they are both very cool. What will I use them for? Well the Kommandos will be used in Kill Team at some point I guess. The regular Boyz? I don't know, I was thinking of a proxy Goliath Necromunda gang?

I'm not a big fan of the Warhammer Underworlds game but I love the warbands that Games Workshop are releasing for it. They are really amazing miniatures fully of character, and when I saw the new release that contained a pirate Ogre I knew I just had to add it to my collection. After all what's not to like, Ogre and Pirates. I'm pleased to have just read that the upcoming Warcry Tome of Champions 2021 will include all the stat cards for all the Warhammer Underworld warbands. So maybe I'll get to use the miniatures after all, if I pick this up. The last two purchase were from Necromunda, the plastic Delaque Weapons and Upgrade kit, which is the last upgrade for the original gangs. I will be interest to see if there are upgrades for the Enforcers coming. But of course with Ash Wastes around the corner i guess all the new model and kit releases will be themed around that. Which is totally ok by me. I also managed to pick up a blister pack of the Warhammer World Orlock Champions and Gangers Forge World miniatures and a visit to the Warhammer HQ this month. These have proven to be very popular and I feel lucky to have snatched up a pack.

What Did I Paint?

I started the year with getting four miniatures painted in January. Three for myself and one commission. For myself I completed an Escher ganger, which was assembled from a second boxset I purchased months ago to create alternative load outs from the suggested assembly guide I followed for my original gang. This gang is armed with an auto pistol and a stiletto sword, sporting a large blue mohawk. The second miniature was a Goliath assembled with a hand flamer and knuckle duster from the Forge World alternate Weapns Pack 1. The final miniature I painted for my own collection was another Goliath, again with a Forge World resin weapon, this time an awesome shotgun. The commission I completed was for a metal Reaper Miniatures Half-Orc barbarian, commissioned to be used as the clients Dungeons and Dragons character model.

What did I play?

Ok this is getting too much now, I still haven't managed to play any games of any description yet. I may just need to delete this section from the Monthly Review. Although, I will add here that I made a visit to Warhammer World this month which was awesome, my previously planned trip was cancel due to one of the lockdowns. I have been before but there is always something new to discover. I went with a friend who had been before but not to the Galleries. It was a great day that included a burger and a Brewmaster beer in the Bugman;s Bar and it also allowed me to pick up some exclusive miniatures for Necromunda too.

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