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Writer's pictureIGO UGO Gamer

Month in Review: July 2021

What did I buy?

A quite Month overall in all aspects of the hobby. Not too many purchases. There was much released this month that I was interested in. Of course the House of Shadow Necromunda release was on the 31st July but that will be received in August. A smaller amount of purchases this month than usual. I completed my Warcry warband collection by picking up a boxset of Corvus Cabal. With the prospect of painting a few more Cawdor or even Redemptionists soon I purchased some Kromlech's Ancient Candles to use as base detail, of even to litter around my terrain pieces once I start to paint them. I also picked up the Mercator Nautica Syphoning Delegation from Forge World for Necromunda, this proved to be a popular set and even though I ordered shortly after release I had to wait an extra week before I received them. Lastly I purchased two miniatures from Ebay, Janus Draik from Blackstone Fortress to use in Necromunda, and Brutogg Corpse-eater, the Ogre from Cursed City to be used as a Ogre mercenary in a forthcoming game of Mordhiem.

What Did I Paint?

Not many miniatures painted this month for one reason or another but mainly due to the mini heatwave we had, it was just too hot to paint. However I did managed to finish two Esher miniatures, the first armed with a resin meltagun. Both the gun and alternative head were from Forge World. The second Escher was just an alternative build from a basic plastic boxset. The last miniature was Viceroy Drepur from Drepur's Wraithcreepers which came in the Warhammer Underworlds Starter boxset I purchased several months ago. I was hoping to get the whole warband completed by the end of July but failed to do so. Here's hoping I have a more productive August.

What did I play?

This month I did manage to get in some game time. I visited my brother who is also a keen gamer which gave me plenty of opportunity. However I didn't get to play any GW games. What we did play was Fantastic Fantasy Battles, a 15mm rank and file wargame. We used my brother's excellently painted 15mm miniatures to play this, so the tabletop looked amazing (no photos unfortunately). We also got in a few cool games of CMON's enjoyable Zombicide 2nd Edition which were great fun. lastly we dipped our toes into a short game of Gaslands, which seems to be a lot of fun.

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