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Month in Review: June 2021

What did I buy?

So what did I buy this month, well it seems quite a lot but some of it was purchased the month before but didn't arrive until this month. It was a month themed mostly around the House of Faith from Necromunda and Vampires from the Soulblight Gravelords, oh a a little for Astra Milltarum.

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With the release of the new House of Faith supplement book for Necromunda I pick up a copy and of course also picked up the rest of the House of Faith releases, which included the dice set, the Tactics Cards and the new flame loving Cawdor Redemptionst boxset. The Redemptionists sold out quite quickly and even though I order mine as soon as they were put onto the website there was still a delay in me receiving them. But it was good to see that the cards and dice are still available. Now looking forward to the House of Shadow releases for the Delaque, whenever that may be.

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This picture shows the purchases I made for Warhammer Aga of Sigmar and Underworlds. I purchased the new Vampire Lords, Lady Annika and Kritza the Rat Prince to use as alternative Vampire Lords in my Soulbight Gravelords Warcry Warband and because the miniatures are just too cool, plus they are Vampires. The regular Vampire Lord I purchased on day of release but due to it selling out so quickly it was several weeks until I received the model. I also picked up Elathain's Soulraid for Warhammer Underworlds, mainly for the crab miniature that everybody was talking about. I haven't even really played a game of Warhammer underworlds yet.

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This picture shows the new Cadian Shock Troops with the additional sprue. I purchased these for my Astra Militarum Kill Team squad, I plan to build them with a selection of the alternative heads and the more interesting weapons that are included on the additional sprue and then attaching the remainder of my Forge World resin backpacks on their backs to give them that "deployed" and ready for action look. I'm especially looking forward to fielding the sniper and some of the special weapons squad members. The other box is Gaunt's Ghosts, purchased again for no particular reason other than they are pretty cool and perhaps in the future will become iconic miniatures. I am hoping that there maybe a Kill Team list for them in the future. Although it would be easy enough to just field them as regular squad members otherwise. Plus I have an idea to use them in a kind of RPG narrative game.

What Did I Paint?

Another 6 miniatures painted this month, I finished the reminding four gangers for the House of Faith gang. I also painted Thaetos 23-2, the Wyrdlock Bounty Hunter for Necromunda from Forge World. I have had this miniature for ages and thought it was about time to get him painted up, although I'm not sure when and even if he will ever be used on the tabletop. I also stepped away from Necromunda for a spell and painted Radukar the Wolf. I purchased him as a separate miniature from the Games Workshop website as I didn't purchase Cursed City. He was really fun to paint. He will eventually be the Leader of my Soulblight Warband for Warcry.

What did I play?

Unfortunately I still haven't been able to get a game in of anything due to the current restrictions.

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