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Month in Review: March 2022

What did I buy?

I didn't really purchase much this month, the first miniature I acquired this month was actual a gift from a hobby buddy for selling quite a lot of his unused Games Workshop stuff on Ebay for him. I happen to mentioned I liked the new Aeldari, Yvrine miniature, I didn't really have plans to purchase her myself as I haven't really got a use for her but I loved the miniature. A week later he was handing her over thanking me for selling a lot of his stuff for him. The second miniature was another impulse buy, the same hobby buddy asked me to order him the Casetellan Crowe minature as he had forgot his log in password for the game store website. I did, and he easily persuaded me I should purchase him for myself. I may have a use for this miniature though, as I am getting interested in Inquisitor 28 and he could easily be used in that game.

Even without buying many actual miniatures this month I didn't get away with such a low hobby spend this month. Just as the month was coming to a close a hobby buddy offered to sell me all the plastic Sector Mechanicus terrain from his recently purchased Kill Team: Nachmund boxset. How could I refuse I love the Games Workshop terrain, even though I haven't really painted any off it yet. So once acquired it just got added to the ever growing pile of grey plastic sprues which should be built, painted and played upon.

What Did I Paint?

Not a bad selection of miniatures painted this month, six in total. The first miniature off the paint desk this month was a Escher ganger, armed with a resin Forge World auto pistol and original boxset sword. I returned to Blackstone Fortress after a long departure and painted Raus, the other Ratling twin. The first twin was painted quite awhile ago but now they can both stand in my display cabinet together. After Raus came Knosso Pond from Kill Team: Rogue Trader. A miniature I will use in either a narrative game of Necromunda or a game of Inquisition 28. I really enjoyed painting this miniature and I was glad that I finally got around to finished her as she has been on the paining desk for quite some time now. The next miniature was another Escher ganger, this one was armed with a resin Forge World needle rifle and grenade throwing arm from their Escher Weapon Set 1, the head was also from Forge World, from the Escher Alternative Head Set. Staying with Necromunda I started adding alternative gangers to my Cawdor collection. The first was a champion armed with, in my opinion, the better heavy flamer from the Forge World Weapon Pack 1. The head used on this miniature was also from Forge World. The last miniature I finished painting this month is probably my favourite of the ones I painted this month. I finished Janus Draik from Blackstone Fortress. I don't actually own the game, but I purchased a few single miniatures from Ebay, mainly because I liked the miniature or maybe for future use in Necromunda or something.

What did I play?

Another month of not getting any miniatures on the table and rolling some dice.

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