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Month in Review: May 2021

What did I buy?

It's getting a bit of a habit spending too much of my hard earn cash on new plastic models. Here is a run down of what I purchased in May. There is some other stuff purchased during this month but I have yet to receive it so it will be shown in the future. My "supplier" is having difficulty fulfilling my order for the new Soulblights Gravelord Vampire Lord (the one with the bats in it's hair), but I have now seen it has come back into stock on the Games Workshop website so hopefully it'll be in my hands soon.

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The main hobby spend for this month was the new Necromunda starter set. Nothing new for me really in the set, except for the new rulebook, but as I'm a massive Necromunda fan that has both the Necromunda; Underhive and Necromunda: Dark Uprising boxsets I felt I that need to add this one to the collection too. It's does give me another 10 Escher gangers for me to use along with the new Escher Weapons pack that was also released this month, another 10 Delaque gangers, more plastic Sector Mortalis terrain, the new rulebook as mentioned, more barricades and extra tokens and cards etc.

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This picture shows some of the random miniatures that I purchased this month. On the right are the two new Necromunda Weapons & Upgrade sets for the Escher and Goliath. I have the Forge World versions of both of these but I purchased these, because I totally needed too, and also being plastic are more conveniant than resin. The casts are crisp and have similar detail to the resin. Also on closer inspection there are some differences between the plastic sets and the resin ones. In the centre are the two Store Anniversary miniatures released this month, from the world of Age of Sigma there is the Stormcast Eternal Sylas Beastbane and from the world of Warhammer 40000 is the Necon Kanoteph the Crooked. I arrived at my local Warhammer store to pre order both these miniatures on the first day of the celebrations and was pleased to see that the store actually had physical stock of both that I could purchase and take away. Then on the left there are two white box miniatures I purchased, the bottom one contains Eisenhorn, I have to seriously think about adding this miniature to my collection as I haven't had a lot of success with Finecast in the past. But as I want to increase my Black Library Special miniature I went for it. After a quick once over the miniature it looks fine. The other white box contains Radukar the Wolf. He was a direct order from the Games Workshop website and is the major villain from Cursed City, of course.

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This picture shows the addition of the Getting Started with Warhammer: Age of Sigma. I purchased this not for the book (although the box does contain some awesome eye candy of excellently painted miniatures) as I know that the new edition of Age of Sigma is being released imminently, but for the miniature that is included "free". As I thought once the new edition drops the opportunity of being able to pick up this miniature would decrease. I think this is the only way to obtain this specific Stormcast Eternal Knight-Incantor miniature. The miniature, however, came minus the base, GW said they would pop one in the post for me when I contacted them about it but I have been waiting almost a fortnight for it and now don't hold out much hope of them staying true to their promise. Bad form GW. While in London I picked up two issues of Mortal Realms from Forbidden Planet. Both including sprues of Age of Sigma terrain that I would use for Warcry. After all, you can never have too much terrain.

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What Did I Paint?

I didn't reach my objective to paint more miniature this month than what I painted May last year. Of course the main reason for this as last May we were in lockdown and I was furlough and as such was able to spend a lot more time with paintbrush in hand. What I did paint though was six members of my Cawdor, or House of Faith, gang. I uploaded one of my images of my finished Cawdor gangers to a Facebook group causing a bit of a stir as I was accused of just uploading an image from the GW website to the group saying they were my own work, even though it was clearly different. I guess the fact that I follow the box art for my painting scheme and that I cut away my images you may think that if you looked at the image quickly. To be honest I was more flattered than anything else that my miniature was mistaken for the excellently painted miniatures on the GW website. So the total miniature for the month of May was just six miniatures.

What did I play?

My first gaming meet up was arranged for May but unfortunately I had to cancel as another commitment came up. But the group got together and had some cool games of Warcry. Shame I missed out as was looking forward to using one of my painted Warbands, but there is always next time. Hopefully we will get a couple of games in during June.

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