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Month in Review: May 2022

What did I buy?

Wow what an absolute humungous hobby dollar drop this month was. Of course this was due to the release of the long anticipated release of Necromunda: Ash Waste. This boxset was totally massive, similar in weight and dimensions to the Dark Uprising boxset. There was a ton of plastic inside, accessories and the hard cover book. First impression is it looks great, although there is still a small part of me that wished they hadn't taken the game outside to a new environment as there was an infinite amount of exploration to be had if it was kept to the inside of the underhive. I hope the underhive still gets some love and is not forgotten.

To accessories the huge Necromunda: Ash Waste boxset, I purchased a separate boxset of the Ash Waste Nomad Dustback Helamites, the Ash Waste Nomads War Party and the Orlock Outriders. I also picked up a second box of Orlock Weapon and Upgrades as I will need to create some specific Ash Waste gangers, these will be equipped with the Forge World back packs and alternate heads from the Orlock Ash Waste Upgrades pack. I'm in two minds whether to continue using Necromunda bases for these or use textured Ash Waste bases. Just not sure. The Nomads I will use Ash Waste base. I guess. Difficult to make the decision.

Adding to the growing collection of Ash Waste boxsets In have accluminated this month, in a moment of weakness I purchased an extra box of Orlocks, which seem to be missing from the images. Even though I already have several boxes, at the time it seemed I need another. But hey I guess you can never have too many gangers. Right? Released a little later than the main Ash Waste drop was the two packs of Tactic Cards, one for the Ash Nomads and the other for Orlock Vehicles. I also couldn't resist the "OS" map of Necromunda, unfortunately this was sold folded (like an Ordnance Survey map) but it's still pretty cool. Not sure this will even ever be open. I also took the opportunity to add another pack of 25mm Necromunda Bases to my collection as my existing stash was running low and I'm concerned about how long Games Workshop will continue to produce these as I have seen on the website they have already gone To Order only.

The last purchases I made this month arrived just in time to be included in this month's review. These were the newly released Genestealer Cult Reductus Saboteur and the Genestealer Cult Magus. Mainly to add to my Genestealer Cult Necromunda gang when I ever get around to getting it built and painted. I have quite a few miniatures for it now, but they are sitting in the ever growing pile of shame.

What Did I Paint?

I managed to get seven miniatures painted this month. The first was the Necromunda Bounty Hunter Baertrum Arturos III. Keeping with the Dramatise Personae theme I also finished Ortruum 8-8 the Psi-hound, a miniature I wasn't really looking forward to painting but actually enjoyed painting him and was really pleased with how he turned out. Then came the Cawdor Executioner, the Huntsman. Then I had a short break from Necromunda, kind of. The next miniature painted was Neyam Shai Murad, the Rogue Trader from Blackstone Fortress Escalation expansion. I stuck her to a Necromunda base and will probably use her as a Venator, NPC or Rebel Lord. The last three miniatures painted were all from the House of Iron. A cyber-mastiff, and two gangers built with weapons from the now discounted Forge World Orlock Weapons Pack 1. These consisted of a grenade launcher armed ganger, and a flail and hand flamer armed ganger.

What did I play?

Another month of not getting any miniatures on the table or rolling any dice. This is now beginning to be the norm. Hopefully wil change this in June but no promises.

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