Here is the remaining assembled Cadian Shock Troopers using the Forge World Upgrade Pack. Model 1, as well as the repiratior head and backpack. has upgraded weapon arms too. I chose the Heavy Flamer as the heavy weapon for the squad as I thought it was more fitting with the Inhospitlable World theme.
Cadian Shock Troop with Lasgun and Demo Charge.
Cadian Shock Trooper with Lasgun baynet fixed
Cadian Shock Trooper with Lasgun.
Cadian Shock Trooper with Lasgun.
Cadian Shock Trooper with Heavy Flamer.
Even though these aren't the newest model for the Cadian Shock Troops I still like them and think I may even add a few more resin upgrades, like some scopes for the Lasguns from Anvil Industries. Watch this space to track my progress in adding some extra parts and getting these guys painted. The current ide is to perehaps use them to play a game of Shadow War Armageddon.