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Writer's pictureIGO UGO Gamer

Necromunda: House of Iron, Road Sergeant with Grenade Launcher.

Continuing work through with the House of Iron theme I finished painting a Road Sergeant armed with a grenade launcher. He is painted as a Sump Dog as represented on the Orlock gang box art. This Road Sergeant is armed with the mean looking grenade launcher from the Forge World Orlock Weapon set 1, he also has a a head from the Forge World Alternative Head Set. You could he is ⅓ resin Both these resin sets are now out of production and have effectively been replaced by the recent release of the plastic Weapon Upgrade set from Games Workshop. I have the plastic set of course but I still have fighters to paint through equipped with the weapons from both these resin sets. I added a grenade launcher armed ganger to my House of Iron collection as I have a gaming friend that loves to use grenades in our games and as he normally plays with the Orlocks he now has a grenade launcher he could use on the battlefield to bring blast and knock back carnage to the fight. I may of course live, or perhaps die, to regret this..

House of Iron Tally

Painted Miniatures = 18

% Total of Miniatures Painted = 21%

Road Sergeant, House Orlock, House of Iron, Nercromunda, Forge World, Weapon Set 1, Alternative Heads, Resin
House of Iron Road Sergeant with Grenade Launcher

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