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Rex Spires & Estus Jet

Writer: IGO UGO GamerIGO UGO Gamer

Added two Necromunda Bounty Hunters to the Painting Table. Rex Spires and Estus Jet. They came together in the same Forge World blister. They are resin miniatures and were both relatively easy to assemble except for Rex Spirees shoulder pad, it wouldn't sit right to begin with but i got there in the end. Also he had a hole in the back of his head from a burst air bubble but this was easy enough to fill with a little filler. Really looking forward to getting some paint on these guys.

Igo Ugo Gamer, Games Workshop, Warhammer, Necromunda, Underhive, Arc Hammer, House Orlock, House of Iron, Arms Master, Painting Miniatures, Painted Miniatures, Citadel Paints, Miniature Painting
Rex Spirers & Estus Jet


Miniatures painted by Jamie Dean

All images of painted miniatures © Jamie Dean  2024


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